1. Matin Ivan, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department for Production Engineering, Serbia
2. Miodrag Hadžistević, Факултет техничких наука Универзитета у Новом Саду, Serbia
3. Hodolic Janko, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department for Production Engineering, Serbia
4. Djordje Vukelic, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department for Production Engineering, Serbia
This paper presents the application of a feature-based design features within simulation model development procedure. Based on a review of the feature technology and previous research work, paper focuses on the modeling of intricate relations among features of different design aspects. An example is provided to demonstrate our approach and to show its effectiveness in the integration of the modules. The authors propose a set of CAD-CAE features that are oriented to both the design and analysis processes in the developed an integrated CAD/CAE mold design system.
Кључне речи:
mold design, numerical simulation, DB, CAD/CAE features
Тематска област:
Production Technologies and Engineering
Датум пријаве сажетка:
DEMI 2013