1. Milan Milovanović, Car Factory , Serbia
2. Zoran Jovanović, University of Belgrade, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Serbia, Serbia
3. Milentije Stefanović, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac, Sestre Janjić 6, 34000 Kragujevac, Srbija 2IMW Ins, Serbia
Car industry is facing the obligation to satisfy ever stricter safety regulations as well as specific demands of buyers. One method for accomplishing this is application of new materials. Some results of researches focused on introduction of new materials and determination of their influence on passengers have been presented in this paper. Based on results of the performed analysis, it is possible to evaluate the validity of introducing new materials, since their application may sometimes additionally require the introduction of new technologies.
Кључне речи:
vehicle,new materials,influences.
Тематска област:
Аутомобилски и саобраћајни инжењеринг
Датум пријаве сажетка:
12th International conference on accomplishments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology (DEMI 2015)